Mark Calcavecchia Net Worth; Age, Height, Parents, Wife, Children
Mark Calcavecchia’s net worth is a question that people are searching intensely for. If you belong to this person, you have landed on the right page. We collected the news about his age, Wikipedia, biography, and personal life.

Biography and Wikipedia
He is an American nationalist who is playing professional golf, best known as a PGA Tour member. He was born on June 12, 1960. He is now 62 years old and is living happily ever after. His place of birth is in Dallas, TX. He visited several places in Dallas, Texas, U.S., and lived there.
Age | 62 Age (June 12, 1960) |
Residence | Laurel, Nebraska |
Origin | Laurel, Nebraska, U.S. |
Profession | Golfer |
Height and Weight
Now we will tell you about its height and weight. He is a man of reasonable height. On the other hand, if we talk about his weight, his weight is normal. Below we show his estimated weight and height. These measurements may increase or decrease.
Height | 1.83 m |
Weight | 98 Kg |
Social Profile Instagram
He actively uses his Instagram account and uploads several of his family, friends, and own pictures. His monthly followers are gradually increasing as his fan zone is pretty cool.
Family, Relationship Status
The availability of his parents’ names is listed in the table below. Also, we would like to inform you about his family and relationship status, love life, and attitude toward children which are shown right after this paragraph.
Parents | Not Yet Reveal |
Wife/Girlfriend | Brenda Calcavecchia |
Siblings | Not Yet Reveal |
Children | Eric Jordan Calcavecchia, Britney Jo Calcavecchia |
How Rich Is He?
According to our research team and an analysis of the Top Celebrity News Site. Mark Calcavecchia is a citizen of America, best known as a professional golfer, and has an estimated net worth of $13 million. He is a Christian by religion. His place of residence is in Laurel, Nebraska.
Assets in 2023 | $13 Million |
Religion | Christianity |
Wrap up
Now let’s summarize this article. Hopefully, you have enjoyed this information and will share important information with your family and circle of friends. We constantly check the latest news and update our data to provide accurate information about celebrities and social media influencers. If you are looking for your favorite stars’ net worth and some interesting facts about their lives, you can visit celebrity net worth websites.

He is an American nationalist who is playing professional golf, best known as a PGA Tour member.
His height is about 183 cm.
According to our research, he is married to Brenda Calcavecchia.
He has two children’s names (Eric Jordan Calcavecchia, and Britney Jo Calcavecchia).